Tuesday, 7 October 2008


I received a disturbing email today informing me that it was suspected that I had a spammer account on here. It could be the case, therefore, that this is not published immediately. I had to type in an annoying hard-to-read series of letters (I'm not sure the term that blogger uses for it, but it was more difficult to read than others that I've come across).

That aside, I've felt rather busy. I've been concentrating on understanding tensors for the purpose of then understanding General Relativity & Gravitation. The amount I've spent on text books has increased since the last time. I've spent at least another £60, but cannot quite recall at what stage of purchasing I was at in the last entry, so it may well exceed that by about £50.

In other news I got another lip piercing yesterday - ring on the left side. I rather like it. I was asked by the attractive woman who pierced my lip if I was going to be getting the other side done, but I had to explain that I was in enough trouble as it was with this one and would have to wait a little bit before being able to embark on that idea. May well do so one day soon though. I'll need to make plans for tattoos now.

Last night - as well as two pairs of jeans, one black, and one tartan - I signed up to the organ donation register. I'm trying to find out how to get signed up to donate my whole body in the event of my death. A bit morbid to post this in a blog, but it's really important than medical research can be carried out with cadavers and they have to come from somewhere. Besides, I'm not going to be using it afterwards.

Final piece of information: I bought Box of the Dead, The Omen pentology, and "The '59 Sound" by The Gaslight anthem. It is a terrific album. I highly recommend giving it a listen.

I have a topic of discussion - and no doubt controversy - on my mind, and I'll post it in another blog shortly. For now I'm going to do a little bit of reading.

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